Turkey’s state of emergency to be extended: Gov’t spokesperson

Turkey’s state of emergency to be extended: Gov’t spokesperson


Deputy Prime Minister from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and government spokesperson Bekir Bozdağ has signaled that state of emergency rule, which has been in place since July 2016, will be extended for another term.

“The need for an extension of the state of emergency is apparent. If parliament approves it, the state of emergency will be extended again,” Bozdağ said on April 5 in a televised interview with private broadcaster Habertürk TV.

The AKP government declared a state of emergency on July 20, 2016 following the failed coup attempt on July 15. It was extended for a sixth time on Jan. 18, 2018, and that term is due to conclude on April 19.

According to the process, the National Security Council (MGK) advises the government to extend emergency rule and the cabinet’s decision is then submitted for a parliamentary vote.