Turkey’s nationalist party expels three-member emergency convention delegation from party

Turkey’s nationalist party expels three-member emergency convention delegation from party

The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) expelled a three-member emergency convention delegation from the party on Sept. 21, according to central disciplinary board member Halil Öztürk.

The board unanimously decided to expel Ayhan Erel, Ali Sağır and Mehmet Bilgiç, who were members of the delegation who organized an emergency convention that aimed to challenge the leadership of long-standing MHP head Devlet Bahçeli, from party membership in a secret voting session in accordance with the party’s 78/4 – C, E, G, H and I penal code articles, Öztürk said in a written statement.

The trio’s expulsion came approximately two weeks after the party expelled dissident member and former leadership candidate Meral Akşener.

The party had referred the trio and Akşener to the disciplinary board on Aug. 16, demanding their expulsion on the grounds that they violated Articles 11, 79 and 81 of the party code, which outline the party’s mission, responsibilities, disciplinary proceedings and disciplinary referrals, respectively.

Erel was detained on July 28 and released the next day as part of the ongoing investigation into the Fethullahist Terror Organization (FETÖ), believed to be behind the July 15 failed coup attempt. 

Amid numerous court rulings and counter court rulings, Turkey’s Supreme Election Board (YSK) ruled out a planned snap MHP congress that dissidents, including Akşener, had arranged. The decision came amid a growing rift within the party, as dissidents bid to unseat Bahçeli.