Turkey's main opposition CHP ‘supports Egyptians’ July 3 choice’

Turkey's main opposition CHP ‘supports Egyptians’ July 3 choice’

CAIRO - Anadolu Agency

Faruk Loğoğlu (C) and Osman Korutürk (L) meet with Egyptian foreign minister. AA Photo

The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) supports the choice made by the Egyptian people on July 3, according to the party’s deputy leader, Faruk Loğoğlu. July 3 was the date when the Egyptian army toppled President Mohamed Morsi following massive demonstrations against his turbulent one-year rule.

Loğoğlu and CHP Istanbul deputy Osman Korutürk are in Egypt for a three day visit, despite strong criticism from the government, which accused them of “talking to coup plotters.”

“As the CHP, we support the choice made by the Egyptian people on July 3. Nobody can interfere with the people’s choice,” Loğoğlu told reporters on Sept. 10, following their visits to meet with the head of the Egyptian Republican People’s Party, Hazem Omar.

An open-dialogue process that will not exclude any party should be initiated to solve the political crisis in the country, according to Loğoğlu. Touching upon the parliamentary elections in Turkey, he also said they would change Turkey’s “map of relations with other countries,” while reiterating their discomfort with the government’s Syria policy.

Loğoğlu had previously said they had not approached Morsi’s office for a meeting, but they were planning to meet with representatives from his Muslim Brotherhood movement.