Turkey's Erdoğan to meet White House adviser Kushner in Ankara

Turkey's Erdoğan to meet White House adviser Kushner in Ankara


White House adviser Jared Kushner is expected to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Feb. 27, broadcaster CNN Türk reported.

Kushner has responsibility for Washington's Israel-Palestinian policy. He has said he will address final-status issues of that conflict, including establishing borders, during a week-long trip to the Middle East.

Turkey and Israel, former allies, expelled each other's top diplomats last May during a row over clashes in which dozens of Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces on the Gaza border.

Turkey has been one of the most vocal critics of the U.S. move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and opening an embassy there.

The Associated Press reported Feb. 26 that Kushner's comments about his planned Mideast peace initiative received a cool reception from Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

Kushner told Sky News on Feb. 25 that his plan would address all "final status" issues, including borders, and require compromises by all sides.

But he made no mention of establishing a Palestinian state and said the plan would focus heavily on offering economic "opportunities" to the Palestinians.

He said details would be unveiled after April 9 Israeli elections.

Naftali Bennett, a hard-line rival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accused the Israeli leader of conspiring with Kushner to establish a Palestinian state. Netanyahu, meanwhile, vowed to resist pressure to make concessions.

Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said a plan that doesn’t establish a Palestinian state "will not fly."