National Security Council calls on int'l community to take responsibility for Afghanistan

National Security Council calls on int'l community to take responsibility for Afghanistan


Turkey’s National Security Council on Sept. 30 called on the international community to act together and take responsibility to overcome the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, saying Turkey would continue to contribute to the efforts for the war-torn country.

The situation that emerged as a result of the latest developments in Afghanistan was evaluated at a meeting of the council chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

“Turkey will continue its support for the friendly and brotherly people of Afghanistan to have a prosperous and peaceful life in their country, including the operation of the international airport in Kabul. The international community has been called upon to act together and sincerely assume responsibility in overcoming humanitarian crises,” according to a statement released after the meeting.

Elaborating on the Cyprus issue and Greece’s arms purchases from France, it said that backing unilateral actions of Greece and the Greek Cypriot administration would deepen disputes in the region.

Ignoring Turkey’s well-intentioned and constructive approaches and suggestions on the Aegean and the eastern Mediterranean is against both international law and the long-term interests of the European Union, the statement said.

Pointing to the recently intensified attacks against civilians in northern Syria by the Bashar al-Assad regime, the council said that actions targeting civilians and damaging stability would disrupt the fragile balance in the region and impede a lasting solution.

The council also emphasized that the spread of terrorism, internal conflicts and political instability in Africa were major obstacles to the nations in the continent to achieve the prosperity they deserve.

“Turkey will continue to contribute to the efforts for the establishment of security and stability and development in Africa,” the council said.

The statement also noted that global action plans against the threat of climate change must be implemented, and Turkey would do its part in this regard, “as it does in every international issue.”