Turkey to host energy forum WFER in 2015

Turkey to host energy forum WFER in 2015

ISTANBUL - Anatolia News Agency

The photo shows the world’s second largest dam Ithaipu on the Brazil-Uruguay border. Turkey is also becoming a major energy corridor and won the bid to host WFER 2015.

Istanbul has won a bid to host the prestigious World Forum on Energy Regulation (WFER) in 2015 thanks to Turkey’s increasing importance as an energy corridor and its strategic location vis-à-vis other countries, according to bid organizers.

Istanbul won the right to host the forum through the joint efforts of the Istanbul Congress and Visitors Bureau (ICVB) and Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK).

Istanbul beat out Mexico and St. Petersburg during the fifth WFER in Canada to host the sixth WFER in 2015.

Istanbul entered the list of the World’s Top Ten Congress Destinations in 2010 in seventh place.
“We are pleased to see that with each passing day Istanbul is becoming a more attractive destination for international congresses,” ICVB General Manager Elif Balcı Fisunoğlu said.