Turkey, Saudi Arabia key nations for lasting peace: Turkish PM

Turkey, Saudi Arabia key nations for lasting peace: Turkish PM

RIYADH – Anadolu Agency

Saudi Arabia and Turkey are key countries for lasting peace and stability in the region, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım said on Dec. 27.

Speaking to reporters in Riyadh, Yıldırım said that cooperation between two countries in every field is essential, not only in terms of Turkey and Saudi Arabia, but also for regional and global peace.

Yıldırım’s remarks followed his talks with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud.

Yıldırım and Salman discussed the importance of Jerusalem’s status during a one-hour closed-door meeting, according to a Prime Ministry source earlier on Wednesday.

The two also agreed that Muslim countries should take a common stance on protecting the rights of Palestinians.

On Dec. 6, United States President Donald Trump announced his decision—despite worldwide opposition—to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocate Washington’s embassy from Tel Aviv to the holy city.

Last week, the United Nations General Assembly passed by an overwhelming majority a resolution rejecting Trump’s move.

During his talks with Saudi officials, Yıldırım said that they also discussed developing bilateral trade and joint defense industry projects.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia share common ground of around 90 percent in terms of stances and views on possible solutions, he added.

Yıldırım called his Saudi visit “short but quite fruitful.”

During his talks with King Salman and Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud, Yıldırım said they focused on regional developments, including Palestine, Israel, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya.

Expressing hope that his visit would have “productive” outcomes, Yıldırım said the crown prince would soon visit Turkey.