Turkey, Moldova sign medical aid agreement

Turkey, Moldova sign medical aid agreement

ANKARA- Anadolu Agency

International agreements signed by Turkey with Moldova, and Palestine in the field of health were published in the country's Official Gazette on May 20. 

According to the gazette, the "agreement between the government of the Republic of Turkey and the government of the Republic of Moldova on donation in the field of health" was signed on April 17 in Ankara.

As part of the deal, Turkey will donate 30,000 N95 masks, 10,000 pieces of protective coveralls, 5,000 pieces of protective glasses, 10,000 pair of gloves, 10,000 pieces of overshoe and a ton of hand sanitizers.

"This donation is granted by the government of the Republic of Turkey to the government of the Republic of Moldova as a gesture of friendship and goodwill," the agreement said.

The medical aid is to be used towards primary health services in Moldova.

The journal also published the accord signed between Turkey and Palestine on May 30, 2018 that is "automatically renewed for a year on each occasion."

Turkey is to "provide medical specialization training to a maximum of 5 Palestinian medical doctors every year in Turkey after placement by ÖSYM [Student Selection and Placement Center]."

"This protocol also aims to establish the 'Palestine-Turkish Friendship Hospital in Gaza'... with a capacity of 180 beds in Gaza... in order to provide healthcare services to residents of the entire State of Palestine, to jointly operate the hospital for three years."

Though the operation of the facility will be transferred to Palestine in a separate protocol once the period ends, monitoring and coordination activities are to be maintained by Turkey's Ministry of Health for three years.