Turkey issues Navtex for new military exercises in eastern Med

Turkey issues Navtex for new military exercises in eastern Med

ISTANBUL-Agence France-Presse
Turkey issues Navtex for new military exercises in eastern MedTurkey issues Navtex for new military exercises in eastern Med

Turkey on Aug. 28 launched new military maneuvers in the eastern Mediterranean expected to last two weeks, in a sign that heightened tensions between Ankara and Athens were likely to continue.    

A dispute over maritime borders and gas drilling rights has reignited the long-running rivalry between Greece and Turkey, with the two neighbours staging rival naval drills.    

In a message on NAVTEX, the international maritime navigational telex system, Turkey said it would carry out "shooting exercises" from Aug. 28 until September 11 in a zone off the southern Turkish town of Anamur, north of the island of Cyprus.    

Ankara already announced on Aug. 27 that military exercises would take place on Sept. 1 and Sept. 2 in a zone further east.