Turkey greets new year

Turkey greets new year

Hurriyet Daily News with wires

refid:10683072 ilişkili resim dosyası

All around Turkey people have welcomed in the new year, in a variety of ways. Despite the economic crisis, people did not sacrifice having fun, and did so according to their budgets. Some people joined mass celebrations in city squares, while others poured into bars and hotels to make the most of their New Year parties, news agencies reported.

Although Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality canceled its mass celebrations in Taksim Square because of the Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip, many Istanbul residents welcomed the new year in Taksim. Some people chanted slogans against Israel.

Harassment incidents
Despite security measures, harassment cases again occurred this year. One suspect arrested on the allegation that he harassed a woman who was being interviewed by reporters. Meanwhile, a group of men followed a young woman walking on Istiklal Street. Civilian police intercepted the group. Meanwhile, a group of women calling themselves feminists gathered in the early hours at Taksim Square and protested harassment. Women called other women to carry a big needle with a purple ribbon to use against people harassing them. In Nişantaşı people gathered outside and enjoyed the celebrations.

Some people who wanted to be closer to nature as they saw in the new year chose the western province of Bolu’s Gölcük Lake, Doğan news agency reported. Young people danced on the frozen lake. Meanwhile, cold weather hit New Year’s celebrations in the central Anatolian province of Sivas. As the temperature fell to minus 20 degrees centigrade, streets and squares were empty during the first hours of the new year, the Anatolian news agency reported. It was only police forces, reporters and some university students celebrating the New Year’s Eve who were outside in Sivas.

Local and foreign tourists in Cappadocia welcomed the new year in bars 10 meters underground. Residents of the central Ğ western Anatolian province of Eskişehir celebrated on the streets as well. Meanwhile, a group of German and Turkish divers in the southern province of Antalya welcomed 2009 under the sea. Hotels and bars in southeastern Diyarbakır were full as well.

While people were enjoying New Year, financial control teams were controlling entertainment venues in some provinces. In Kocaeli, three tax evaders were fined. Kocaeli Tax Directorate collected TL 700,000 during the controls. Units in the southern province of Adana also controlled entertainment venues after 9 pm. Considering that some places were charging very high prices, especially for events with famous names on the bill, control teams checked for tax documents. A total of 205 places were controlled in Adana.

Alternative celebration

In the central Anatolian province of Kayseri, the Brother Radios Platform organized an alternative New Year celebration. Abdurrahman Dilipak, a columnist for the radical rightwing newspaper Vakit, participated in the gathering together with around 2,500 people. "It is our turn if [they are] done with Palestine. Palestine is our existential issue," Dilipak said. The Koran was read at the event and Islamic anthems were sung.