Turkey appoints new ambassadors to 25 countries

Turkey appoints new ambassadors to 25 countries

Turkey appoints new ambassadors to 25 countriesTurkey appoints new ambassadors to 25 countries

Turkey appointed ambassadors to 25 foreign diplomatic missions, while ambassadors from 23 countries are recalled to their headquarters in Ankara, according to a presidential decision published in the Official Gazette on June 2.

The list of 25 ambassadors are as follows: Levent Eller, Member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Board to the Permanent Representation of Turkey’s United Nations Vienna Office, Advisor to the President Tuba Nur Sönmez to Kuwait, Beste Pehlivan Sun to Colombia, Deniz Çakar to Finland, Ertan Yalçın to Bolivia, Cavidan Gülşen Karanis Ekşioğlu to Hungary, Ilhan Kemal Tuğ to Mexico, Naci Aydın Karamanoğlu to Venezuela, Ali Kaan Orbay to Georgia, Makbule Başak Yalçın to Ecuador, Akif Menevşe to Mauritania, Gül Büyükerşen to El Salvador, Rıza Hakan Tekin to Denmark, Tayyar Kağan Atay to Albania, Ömer Faruk Doğan to Morocco, Adnan Keçeci to Equatorial Guinea, Şule Öztunç to Latvia, Özgür Çınar to Niger, Başak Türkoğlu to Estonia, Uygar Mustafa Sertel to Moldova, Mehmet Paçacı to Pakistan, Ülkü Kocaefe to Cambodia, Ali Sait Akın to Guinea-Bissau, Can Tezel to Sweden, Emir Salim Yüksel to Malaysia.

Merve Kavakçı, Turkey’s ambassador to Malaysia, was among the ambassadors recalled to Ankara.

Kavakçı was banned from parliament in 1999 after she joined an oath ceremony in parliament wearing a headscarf following her election as a lawmaker from the now defunct Virtue Party (FP).