Turkey, along with int’l community, call on Libya to embrace UN-led deal

Turkey, along with int’l community, call on Libya to embrace UN-led deal


Turkish foreign minister Feridun Sinirlioğlu attends a press conference in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Oct. 16, 2015. AP Photo

The foreign ministers of a number of regional countries have called on all parties to the Libyan Political Dialogue to immediately approve a political agreement brokered by a special U.N. representative following recent meetings to achieve national reconciliation.

“The parties to the dialogue face a stark choice. They can delay approval of the text and annexes beyond Oct. 20 or attempt to make further amendments, and put at risk the stability of the country,” said the joint statement released by the Turkish Foreign Ministry late on Oct. 19. “To secure Libya’s future, we urge the Libyan parties to ‎immediately approve the hard-fought political compromise set forth in the political agreement, which will provide a period of stability to the country until a new constitution can be agreed. New elections can then be held which will finally give Libya a fully representative, inclusive and democratic parliament whose legitimacy is acknowledged across the country and the world.”

“The Libyan people have made it clear that they want an end to instability in their country, instability which has led to the loss of lives, allowed terrorism to grow, and severely damaged the economy of the country. The international community stands ready to support the Libyan people and the leaders they choose,” said the statement.

“The international community looks forward to working with the Government of National Accord, at their request, in supporting the fight against terrorism, particularly DEASH [Daesh/the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - ISIL] and Ansar al-Sharia, and in helping Libya face up to its many challenges. We urge all participants in the dialogue to seize the opportunity to end this instability by approving, and faithfully implementing, the political agreement without introducing further amendments,” it said.

The statement was signed by the foreign ministers of Algeria, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Qatar, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs.