Treasure-hunting man killed by dynamite explosion in northwest Turkey

Treasure-hunting man killed by dynamite explosion in northwest Turkey


DHA Photo

One man died and two others were wounded on Oct. 16 due an explosion of hand-made dynamite, prepared in order to find treasure in the northeastern province of Kocaeli, Doğan News Agency has reported.

Seven locals, two of whom were siblings, decided to use dynamite to mine areas of Kocaeli suspected of harboring treasure.

The explosion occured at 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 16 in a forested area of the İlimtepe neighborhood of the Körfez district.

The 44-year-old Rafet Polat was killed in the blast, while the two injured men were taken to the nearby Derince Training and Research Hospital.

Polat, who was married with two children, had been working as a welder in Istanbul.

Local gendermarie forces have opened an investigation to catch the four other men involved.