Toyota to increase investments in Turkey

Toyota to increase investments in Turkey

SAKARYA - Anatolia News Agency

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Japan’s Toyota is planning to increase its production in Turkey in 2013, following losses incurred after the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011, according Orhan Özer, Toyota Turkey’s Chief Executive Officer.

In the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami Toyota was unable to ship parts to its global distributors for three months, during which time Toyota worked at half capacity, significantly impacting local production, according to Özer.

Özer told the Anatolia news agency that he anticipated that 2012 would be a tougher year for Toyota Turkey, but that production would pick up once again in 2013 with the production of Toyota’s new C segment at the end of 2012. He said the company would begin to hire more employees at that time, and that Toyota would continue with its policy of zero production flaws to make the car producer more competitive.