Top court chair stresses on need for rule of law

Constitutional Court President Zühtü Arslan stressed the need to prevail the rule of law and warned that citizens could otherwise pursue alternative and illegal methods to seek justice.
“The only address of justice and the rule of law is the courts. In a place where the courts cannot respond to the search for justice and cannot produce solutions to disputes in accordance with the principles of independent and impartial trial, is the inevitable that illegal searches will arise,” he said on June 28 at a symposium.
Recalling the July 15, 2016 coup attempt, Arslan said there were many lessons to be learned from the incident.
“Perhaps the most important and foremost of these lessons is the fact that the independence and impartiality of the judiciary are vital for the future of a country. In a state of law, neither a remotely controlled judiciary nor a judge can be thought of,” he stated.
He referred to a saying by philosopher Immanuel Kant and said, “As Kant stated, those who do not dare to use their own reason are doomed to remain under tutelage. The judicial mind under tutelage cannot establish justice. We experienced the most vivid and destructive example of this in the process that led our country to the July 15 coup attempt. We have all witnessed the unlawfulness of those who have surrendered their minds and consciences to others.”
Undoubtedly, the judiciary has the greatest duty to put the principles of freedom and the Constitution into place today, as it was in the past, the top judge said and added that when this duty is duly fulfilled, trust in the judiciary will rise to the desired level.
“For this reason, as members of the judiciary, we have to constantly review and renew ourselves in self-criticism. This is our duty of conscience to law, justice and ultimately to our nation to which we belong,” he said.