The political aspects of Istanbul Biennials

The political aspects of Istanbul Biennials

The political aspects of Istanbul BiennialsThe political aspects of Istanbul Biennials

This year’s 13th Istanbul Biennial ‘Mom, Am I A Barbarian,’ took place between Sept 9 and Oct 20.

Akbank Sanat will be hosting a contemporary art discussion session on Nov. 22 in Istanbul. 

The session is part of a series of panels, a collaboration of Akbank Sanat and Faculty of Fine Arts of Okan University, which aim to discuss various contemporary art topics. 

Each month, one person is invited to shed light on their working field. On Nov. 22, Associate Prof. Burcu Pelvanoğlu will be speaking about the political aspects of Istanbul Biennials. The discussion will cover the stances that Istanbul Biennials have held in the face of contemporary political breakdowns, from the first ever biennial to the this year’s 13th event. Pelvanoğlu will discuss how Istanbul Biennials have come closer to contemporary politics, while emphasizing when and in which direction these biennials have headed. Pelvanoğlu will also discuss whether or not they have been successful in taking the positions and the directions they have asserted.