Tax inspector arrested in influencer probe

In a developing investigation into a social media influencer and her husband, authorities have arrested a tax inspector who prepared a report for the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK), reportedly for requesting an unregistered meeting with the couple.
Neslim Güngen and her husband İnanç Güngen, along with 52 other suspects, were arrested on the charges of "establishing an organization for the purpose of committing a crime," "money laundering," "forgery of official documents" and "fraud."
Local media reported that one of the detained suspects is a tax inspector from MASAK who allegedly attempted to arrange an unregistered meeting with Neslim Güngen by calling her more than 30 times.
As part of the ongoing efforts to investigate the money flows of social media influencers, police teams initiated the "Kuyu-8" operations at 134 residences across 25 of the country's 81 provinces on June 10, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said on social media.
Following the arrests, a few high-end cars discovered during the investigation were put on display at the Istanbul Police Department's campus.
Apart from cars, the display featured illicit pharmaceutical and cosmetic items along with a range of equipment such as epilation, skin care and steamer machines as well as devices for tightening and slimming. None of these items were registered in product tracking systems.
The arrest of influencer Dilan Polat, known for her luxurious lifestyle and millions of followers, on charges of money laundering and tax evasion dominated the country's agenda for an extended period last year. This arrest was followed by investigations and asset seizures targeting dozens of other influencers.