Suspensions, detentions, arrests continue after coup attempt in Turkey

Suspensions, detentions, arrests continue after coup attempt in Turkey

A total of 29 personnel from Turkey’s Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) were suspended from duty on July 21 as a part of the ongoing and extensive probe into the failed coup attempt of July 15, which has resulting in thousands of suspensions, detentions and arrests across the country. 

According to a statement issued by the body, 29 personnel working in various positions at the media watchdog were suspended as part of an investigation into the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization/Parallel State Structure (FETÖ/PDY).

Meanwhile, the authorities of 14 top military judges detained in the wake of the July 15 failed coup were revoked on July 21 by Turkey’s top military disciplinary body.

The High Disciplinary Committee revoked the authorities of seven members of Turkey’s High Military Administrative Court – including two colonels – who were detained after the attempted coup.        

Separately, the committee also decided to revoke the authorities of seven Military Supreme Court judge colonels who were detained.        

Detentions and arrests against thousands for alleged links to the coup attempt and the FETÖ/PDY, which is suspected of masterminding the attempt, have continued. The July 15 coup attempt by a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) failed but caused the death of at least 246 people, including members of the security forces and civilians.

Meanwhile, Istanbul’s Criminal Court of Peace remanded 32 out of 86 detained judges and prosecutors, judicial sources said early on July 21.  

The 86 suspects had been initially charged with attempting to overthrow the government, sources said. 

In the Central Anatolian province of Eskişehir, 13 out of 17 detained judges and prosecutors were arrested, while in the western province of Aydın 27 people, including four judges and two prosecutors, were remanded in custody.  

Two of the suspects were charged with gathering money for “benevolence” and sending it to U.S. schools allegedly affiliated with the Gülen movement.  

In the southeastern province of Şırnak, 387 soldiers, six prosecutors, six judges and four police officers were also arrested, while authorities in the Mediterranean province of Antalya arrested 29 judges and prosecutors over alleged links to the FETÖ/PDY.