Students hospitalized on mercury poisoning in Ankara

Students hospitalized on mercury poisoning in Ankara


A number of students, teachers and janitors were hospitalized over mercury poisoning in Ankara on Nov. 3.

The incident occurred near the Aktaş Atatürk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in the capital’s Altındağ district, after a number of students reportedly brought to the school mercury found in a derelict building.

Some 17 students, five teachers and three janitors at the school subsequently fell ill, after which a number of ambulances were dispatched to the scene.

Police also arrived to oversee an evacuation of the school, which was temporarily closed. An investigation has been opened into the incident.

Turkey’s Health Ministry has released a statement saying the incident occurred after mercury was leaked from a number of broken thermometers at the school.

“Some 17 students and a number of school officials were negatively affected by the accidental breakage of thermometer tubes,” the ministry stated.

“Emergency examinations of the affected students and employees were carried out at the Keçiören Occupational Disease Hospital. The necessary procedures and treatments will be carried out according to the results of the examination,” it added.