State ministers receive portfolios

State ministers receive portfolios

Hurriyet Daily News with wires

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The distribution of posts among state ministries has been announced. The government leaders reshuffled members of the Cabinet earlier this month and new responsibilities have come with the new positions.

State Minister Bülent Arınç is responsible for the Supreme Board of Radio and Television, or RTÜK, the Turkish Radio and Television Corp., or TRT, and the Anatolia news agency, which were previously tied to State Minister Mehmet Aydın. Arınç, who is also deputy prime minister, will also be responsible for relations with the Council of State and the general directorate for foundations, daily Milliyet reported last Tuesday. Other posts are as following:

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is responsible for the secretariat general of the National Security Council, or MGK; undersecretariat of the National Intelligence Organization, or MİT; the Housing Development Administration, or TOKİ, presidency and related institutions; the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey; and the Dormitories Directorate, or YURTKUR.

State Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Çiçek is responsible for relations with Parliament, coordinating the issues related to Cyprus, the High Commission of the Fight against Terrorism, watching and presenting the recommendations of the MGK to the Cabinet, and coordinating the issues concerning human rights.

State Minister Ali Babacan is responsible for coordinating economic issues. The undersecretariat of the Treasury is tied to Babacan, as are related institutions such as the Central Bank, Ziraat Bank, Halk Bank, the Development Bank, the Export Credit Bank, the General Directorate of Foundations Bank, and the chief of the Capital Markets Board, or SPK. Also, the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, and the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund, will be Babacan’s responsibility. He is also deputy prime minister.

Culture and science
State Minister Mehmet Aydın is responsible for Atatürk culture, language, history higher institution, Turkey’s Sciences Academy and institutions related to the Scientific and Technological Research Council. Aydın’s post will determine the policies necessary for developing technology and information in Turkey.

State Minister Hayati Yazıcı is the chairman of the coordination board of the Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency. He is also responsible for coordinating the collective labor agreement. State Minister Faruk Nafiz Özak is responsible for the Turkish Football Federation presidency.

State Minister Mehmet Zafer Çağlayan is responsible for the undersecretariat of foreign trade. State Minister Faruk Çelik is responsible for the directorate of religious affairs and the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency. State Minister Egemen Bağış is chief negotiator for the European Union. State Minister Selma Aliye Kavaf is responsible for the general directorate of family and social research, the general directorate for women’s status, the office for handicapped affairs, and Turkish social service and children protection institution. State Minister Cevdet Yılmaz is responsible for State Planning Organization and the Turkish Statistical Institute.