Some 57 pct of first marriages in Turkey ‘arranged marriages’

Some 57 pct of first marriages in Turkey ‘arranged marriages’


A recent survey released on April 1 by the Turkish Statistics Institute (TÜİK) has shown that 56.8 percent of first marriages across the country in 2021 were arranged marriages, with individuals or their family’s decisions.

Around 46.1 percent of arranged marriages happened with the decision of an individual, according to the “Turkish Family Structure Survey.”

“The other 10.7 percent accounted for arranged marriages that happened with the decision of an individual’s family members, without asking the bride or groom to be,” it said.

The proportion of them who selected spouses with their own wish and family’s approval was around 35 percent. The rate of marriages by eloping or being eloped was 5.3 percent.

It was also seen that 36.9 percent of first marriages were between the ages of 20 and 24. Some 23.5 percent were between the ages of 25 and 29 and 16.5 percent were between the ages of 18 and 19.

Around 87.7 percent of those who married performed a wedding ceremony, while in nearly 85 percent of the marriages, henna nights were organized.

In 2021, only 1.4 percent of the couples made a prenuptial agreement, the survey showed.

Eighty out of every 100 people over the age of 15 do not plan to marry in the next three years. Around 30 percent of them stated that they prioritize education, while 12 percent said they do not have enough income yet to afford getting married.

Around 10 percent said they did not “meet a suitable person” to marry yet.

The most important reason for divorce in 2021 was the “irresponsible and careless attitude of their partner,” with some 33 percent agreeing to it.

Cheating was the second reason with 14.1 percent, while financial problems became the third reason with nearly 10 percent.

Some 83.1 percent of individuals thought that children should take care of their parents in their old age. On the contrary, the proportion of elderly individuals being visited several times a week by their children was around 56.7 percent.

The family survey also showed that all housework, except for painting the house, was generally undertaken by one household member in 2021.

The works undertaken by mostly household members were laying and cleaning the table with 97.5 percent, dishwashing with 97.4 percent, and serving tea in the evenings with 97.0 percent.

The most common household chores performed by non-household members were whitewashing/painting with 54.3 percent, minor maintenance and repair work with 25.2 percent and weekly/monthly cleaning of the house with 8.8 percent.

Family members generally took joint decisions on household-related issues.

It was seen that household members usually made joint decisions regarding the type and place of vacation with 94.7 percent; in activities such as eating, drinking and entertainment held outside the home with the family with 94.2 percent; and on maintaining relations with relatives with 93.3 percent.

Households gathered on weekends and for dinners mostly. While the ratio for households gathering for weekend dinners was 81.9 percent, it was 77.1 percent for dinners on weekdays.