Smartphone campaign launched for domestic violence victims

Smartphone campaign launched for domestic violence victims

Smartphone campaign launched for domestic violence victimsSmartphone campaign launched for domestic violence victims

A new social solidarity movement has been launched for women who are subjected to domestic violence and have limited access to technological devices.

The motto of the campaign, initiated by Teknosa, the Sabancı Foundation and the Federation of Women’s Associations (TKDF), is “technology for women, solidarity for all.”

As part of the project, donors will be able to deliver their unused smartphones to the stores of Teknosa, an electronics retailer in Turkey.

Smartphones, which will be maintained and put into operation by Teknosa’s business partners, will be delivered to women who are victims of violence through the support of the Sabancı Foundation and TKDF.

Noting that they have enabled more than 20,000 women to become “digital literate” with the project, Teknosa General Manager Bülent Gürcan stated that they want to amplify the voice of women who are subject to violence with the smartphone donation campaign.

Sabancı Foundation General Manager Nevgül Bilsel Safkan noted that they observe with concern the increase in domestic violence rates, which became evident during the pandemic.

“We continue to work for a society in which all individuals enjoy their rights equally in this period when the rights acquired over many years are at risk,” Safkan said.

Violence against women and femicides are not uncommon in Turkey.

Some 35 women were killed across Turkey in 2021 so far, according to a report by Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu (We Will Stop Femicides Platform), a women’s rights organization that monitors violence against women.

Women who want to notify security forces without calling them can lodge a complaint and ask for immediate help through a smartphone application, called Women Immediate Support (KADES), which is monitored by the Interior Ministry and the Turkish police forces.