Senior YPG/PKK terrorist neutralized in N Iraq

Senior YPG/PKK terrorist neutralized in N Iraq

ANKARA-Anadolu Agency

A senior YPG/PKK terrorist was neutralized on Nov. 19 in northern Iraq in an operation by Turkey’s National Intelligence Service (MİT), Turkish security sources said on Nov. 28.

Turkish authorities often use the term "neutralized" to imply the terrorists in question surrendered or were killed or captured.

The terrorist, identified as Beraat Afşin -- codenamed Medya Agit -- was in the top, red category of the Turkish Interior Ministry's wanted list, as well as being a senior female member of the terrorist group in Sinjar, Iraq, added the sources, who asked not to be named due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

After joining YPG/PKK activities in rural areas in 1997, Afşin took part in armed attacks in the 2000s in Turkey.

In 2010, Afşin took part in terrorist activities in northern Iraq's Qandil region -- where the terrorist YPG/PKK has its headquarters -- and also was a senior terrorist in YJA-Star, a YPG/PKK women’s branch, and the YJS, a similar group.

PKK terrorists often use northern Iraq as a base to plan cross-border terrorist attacks on Turkey.

The U.S.-backed SDF, a group dominated by the YPG, has been controlling some 28 percent of the Syrian territories, including the most of the 911-kilometer-long Syria-Turkey border.

Turkey deems the YPG the Syrian offshoot of the illegal PKK, which is listed as a terrorist organization also by the United States and the EU.