Seeking the road to peace

Seeking the road to peace

Religious leaders, former and acting politicians and academics met at the “Road to Peace” session on the last day of the Eurasia Economic Summit, disscusing the route to a world that has left behind wars and conflicts.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, Mufti of Serbiua E. Muhamed Jusufsphaic, Patriarchal Vicar of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Istanbul and Ankara Yusuf Çetin, Syrian Catholic Patriarchal Vicar Yusuf Sağ, Minister of Science of Montenegro Sanja Vlahocic, Governor of the Autonomous Region of Gagauzia of Moldova Mihail Formuzal, Senator of French Senate Joelle Garriaud-Maylam, Member of the House of Representatives Czech Republic Radim Fiala, President of IEDC-Bled School of Management and of Ceeman Danica Purg, President of the Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Iulian Chifu, Wang Yiwei of the Institute of International Affairs of Renmin Uni. Of China, Minister for Foreign Investments of Macedonia Furkan Çako, Former Minister of Foreign Affair of Romania Teodor Melescanu, German Princely House of Reuss Letizia Reuss, Former Defense Minister of Austria Werner Fasslabend, Mayor of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode and Former State Minister of Belgium Emir Kır, Former Foreign Minister of Kosovo Enver Hoxhaj, Former Minister of Finance and Former Deputy Prime Minister of Poland Grzegorz W. Kodolko, President and Founder of Biopolitics International Organization Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis, Senator / Honorary President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Rene Van Der Liden, Former Member of Greek Parliament Foteini Pipili, Minister of Public Administration of Kosovo Mahir Yağcılar, Minister of Culture of Romania Ionut Vulpescu, Former Minister of Interior Affairs of Montenegro Jusuf Kalamperovic, Federal Minister of Science and Education Damir Masic delivered speeches at the event