Russian in plane crash killing delayed in Germany

Russian in plane crash killing delayed in Germany

BERLIN - The Associated Press
Russian in plane crash killing delayed in GermanyRussian in plane crash killing delayed in Germany

AP photo

A Russian man who was convicted of killing an air traffic controller he blamed for a plane crash in which his wife and children died was held for several hours as he tried to enter Germany to mark the accident’s anniversary.
Vitaly Kaloyev was convicted in Switzerland in 2005 and released in 2007.
German federal police spokesman Albert Poerschke said he arrived at Munich airport Saturday morning but was held because he’s barred from entering Switzerland. Germany and Switzerland belong to Europe’s passport-free travel zone.
Kaloyev was let into Germany Saturday afternoon on papers valid only for that country.
On July 1, 2002, a plane operated by Russia’s Bashkirian Airlines collided with a DHL cargo jet in Swiss-controlled airspace over southern Germany. The crash killed 71 people.