Russia protest fines higher than for carjacking

Russia protest fines higher than for carjacking

MOSCOW - The Associated Press

Russian policemen escort an arrested man wearing an anti-Putin T-shirt during a protest action in front of the State Duma, the lower House of Russian Parliament, in the center of Moscow, 05 June 2012. EPA photo

Russia's lower house of parliament is likely to pass a bill Tuesday that will raise the fine for participating in an unauthorized protest 150-fold.

If the bill eventually becomes law, protesters whose gatherings aren't sanctioned by authorities will face fines of up to 300,000 rubles ($9,000), up from the current 2,000 ($60).

The potential punishment is far more severe than for many other crimes.

A sampling of other offenses and their maximum penalties under Russian law:

* Prostitution: A fine of 2,500 rubles ($75).
* Car-jacking: 120,000 rubles ($3,600).
* Nuclear materials storage violations: 5,000 rubles ($150) for regular citizens, 40,000 ($1,200) for public officials.
* Performing an abortion without medical qualification: 80,000 rubles ($2,400).
* Violating safety precautions in designing, building and using nuclear energy facilities that could cause danger or radioactive contagion: 200,000 rubles ($6,000).
* Organizing prostitution: 500,000 rubles ($15,000) or three years in prison.