Romney wins primaries in 5 states

Romney wins primaries in 5 states

WASHINGTON - The Associated Press

Romney wins five primaries a week after passing the tally needed to take on Obama. REUTERS photo

Mitt Romney won Republican presidential primaries in five states June 5, adding to a delegate total that already exceeds the number needed to win the nomination.

Romney won primaries in California, New Jersey, South Dakota, New Mexico and Montana. Romney has 1,398 delegates. He needs 1,144 to win the Republican nomination at the party’s national convention in August. A total of 264 delegates were at stake in the contests, including 169 in California. With the primary season winding down, Romney is already in general election mode. He will take on Democrat Barack Obama in the fall.

After June 5, only one Republican presidential primary remains, in Utah on June 26. Romney has recently been concentrating on raising campaign funds. His two-day swing to Texas is expected to garner $15 million for his presidential campaign. Romney had also fundraisers scheduled for yesterday in San Antonio and Houston.