Roman theater in Bursa to regain identity

Roman theater in Bursa to regain identity

BURSA – Anadolu Agency
A 2,000-year-old ancient Roman theater in the northwestern province of Bursa’s İznik district is regaining its unique identity during excavation and reorganization works. 

According to a statement made by the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, the works have been carried out by a team headed by Dokuz Eylül University Archaeology Department academic Associate Professor Aygün Ekin Meriç. 

Quoting the views of Bursa Mayor Recep Altepe, the statement said İznik is a significant center with traces of the Seljuk, Eastern Roman and Ottoman civilizations, and they aim to reveal traces of all these civilizations. 

“The excavations here have made little progress in a long time. Now, excavations continue for 24 hours with the support of the municipality. We want to revive the theater as soon as possible and realize the cultural and artistic events in the completed sections. We have made progress since last year. Important materials were found underground. The texture of the theater was destroyed and its stones were removed and used in the construction of the city wall. Now the same stones will be found from the stone pits and replaced in the theater. It will regain its original shape again,” said Mayor Altepe in the statement. 
Meriç said they hope to finish the excavation work in three to four years.