‘Rivers of the World’ project kicks off

‘Rivers of the World’ project kicks off

The artwork of “Bosphorus and Rivers,” a part of the British Council’s art and education project “Rivers of the World,” will be exhibited in Salt Galata on March 10 and 11. Salt will also feature student art workshops.

The event is being held with the support of Istanbul Provincial Ministry of Education and the participation of 1,000 students from 60 primary schools in Istanbul and their teachers.

“Rivers of the World” is the flagship art and education project of the Mayor’s Thames Festival in London. Delivered in partnership with the British Council’s Connecting Classrooms, the project links schools and over 2,000 young people each year through common river themes.

In 2010, France, Hungary, India, Thailand, Turkey and the United States participated in the project, and six schools from each country were linked to schools in London.

In Istanbul and London, students studied the Bosphorus and River Thames and worked with professional artists to create stunning artwork for public display.