Ring stuck on teen's penis removed by fire department

Ring stuck on teen's penis removed by fire department

ISTANBUL - Anatolia News Agency
Ring stuck on teens penis removed by fire departmentRing stuck on teens penis removed by fire department

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A ring stuck on a 16-year-old boy's penis had to be removed by hydraulic cutters after doctors at a hospital failed to do so in Istanbul's Maltepe district yesterday. 
F.K. informed his parents after a two-centimeter wide ring got stuck on his penis. The family took F.K. to the emergency service at the Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Traning and Research Hospital. Doctors there had to direct F.K. to urology after they failed to remove the ring in the emergency room. 
The ring could not be removed by doctors at the urology department either, which prompted the doctors to call for help from the fire department. Firefighters arriving at the hospital cut the ring off with a hydraulic cutter. 
According to reports, F.K.'s sexual organ was damaged because it was constricted by the ring for a long period of time. The teenager will be released from hospital following treatment.