Restrictions in neo-Nazi trial clouds transparency: German Greens leader

Restrictions in neo-Nazi trial clouds transparency: German Greens leader

MARDİN - Doğan News Agency

Roth also visited the Syriac Monastry of Mor Gabriel and met with Metropolitan Samuel Aktaş. AA photo

The German Greens are outraged that the Turkish media has been restricted in reporting the trials of the neo-Nazi group responsible for the killings of eight Turks, said party co-chair Claudia Roth March 30.

Roth, who is currently in southeastern Turkey to visit local associations and politicians, said the German court's decision compromised the transparency of the trial. "We cannot understand why the international media outlets, the families of the victims and the Turkish missions in Germany are not allowed. This group deliberately targeted people of Turkish descent, so it is important that the case is followed by the international media to bring more transparency," she said.

Roth also expressed her condolences for two police officers killed in an accident on March 29 as they were escorting her car from Cizre in Şırnak province to Mardin. One officer was severely wounded and is still in critical condition. "We share the families' sorrow. We are in shock. We will [go back] to Cizre and visit the injured officer at the hospital," she said.

Meanwhile, independent deputy from the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Ahmet Türk, who received the German Greens co-chair in Mardin, told Roth she should not feel guilty about the death of the officer. "I can understand her feelings, but nobody is guilty in such circumstances," Türk said.

An investigation had been launched into the incident by the local police department.