Redskins loss bad omen for Obama

Redskins loss bad omen for Obama

WASHINGTON - Agence France-Presse

The Washington Redskins are famous for having a streak of ‘determining’ the outcome of the presidential elections in the United States of America. AP Photo

In a National Football League upset that could foretell a loss for President Barack Obama to challenger Mitt Romney in today’s US election, Carolina defeated host Washington 21-13 on Nov. 4.

The Panthers snapped a five-game losing streak in improving to 2-6 while the Redskins fell to 3-6. Carolina marched more than 90 yards for touchdowns twice in the same game for the first time in team history.

Under the so-called “Redskins Rule,” the candidate from the party that received the most votes for president in the prior election will win the presidency if the Redskins win their final home game before the election.

If the Redskins lose, as they did to Carolina on Nov. 4, the candidate from the other party would claim an election victory.

In this case, that would herald a triumph for Republican challenger Romney over Democratic incumbent Obama.

The outcome has been a bellwether for presidential elections since the Redskins moved to the US capital from Boston in 1937.

In 18 elections starting in 1940, the Redskins’ result has accurately predicted which candidate will receive the most overall votes in the subsequent election.

In 17 of 18 US presidential elections, it has predicted the election winner, who is the candidate that collects the most electoral college delegates, which are assigned to states based upon population. At least 270 are needed to win.

’Redskins rule’

The only time the method missed calling the presidency correctly was in 2004 when the Redskins lost 28-14 to Green Bay and Republican incumbent George W. Bush beat Democratic challenger John Kerry.
Democratic challenger Al Gore won the 2000 popular vote but Bush won more delegates and the presidency after the US Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, halted a controversial recount of Florida votes, upholding original findings that handed Bush a narrow victory in the state and electoral college.