Railway to connect north and southeast of Turkey

Railway to connect north and southeast of Turkey

TRABZON - Anatolian News Agency

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Turkey plans to build a high-speed railway line between the Black Sea region and southeast of Turkey, Environment and Urban Development Minister Erdoğan Bayraktar has announced.

“We have been studying the Trabzon-Gümüşhane-Erzincan Railway Project, which is intended to be a high-speed train route. The speed of the train is provisioned to be 250-kilometers-per-hour,” he said during his visit to Trabzon, a developed city in the Black Sea region of Turkey.

The project will be part of a 630-kilometer railway plan between Trabzon and Diyarbakır connecting the Black Sea region with the southeast of Turkey, Syria and Iraq.

Bayraktar said physical field studies for the project have been completed and further studies continue.