Quakes triggered vertigo disorders: Expert

Insomnia, intense anxiety and stress caused by the devastating Feb. 6 earthquakes triggers vertigo, a professor has said, noting that balance problems have increased in 15 percent of the population.
Within the scope of World Vertigo Awareness Week, the International Vestibular Association’s information meeting was held at Ankara Sheraton Hotel.
The meeting was held with the participation of Prof. Dr. Nuri Özgirgin, president of the International Vestibular Association and Prof. Dr. Neşe Çelebisoy, faculty member of Ege University Medicine Faculty, Department of Neurology.
Speaking at the meeting, Özgirgin stated that vertigo is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor and with the earthquake disaster on Feb. 6, 15 percent of Türkiye’s population started to experience significant balance problems.
“An acute dizziness occurred in people living in the quake region. The tremors caused by the earthquakes can also be considered to cause acute dizziness. People’s balance performances deteriorated because of these tremors. In this group of patients, vestibular rehabilitation and antidepressant drugs are used for treatment,” Özgirgin said.
Çelebisoy stated that insecurity, feeling unbalanced and perception disorders started to increase not only in people who experienced the earthquakes but also in people outside the quake zone, adding that older people are more frequently and more severely affected by these conditions.