Prosecutor asks 153 years for rapist who threatened decapitation

Prosecutor asks 153 years for rapist who threatened decapitation


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A prosecutor in the southern Adana province asked 153 years in jail for a suspect accused of raping minors and forcing them into sex labor, daily Radikal reported on its website today. 
Lütfü Ö., 33, was charged with four separate accounts of rape and forcing girls into prostitution in a court in Adana. 
The suspect allegedly preyed on high school students on social media sites and met them under the pretense of buying them presents. Then he took them to the woods where he reportedly beat and raped the girls after threatening they would "end up like Münevver Karabulut" if they resisted him. 
Karabulut was killed by her boyfriend Cem Gariboğlu in 2009. Gariboğlu had decapitated Karabulut before disposing of her body in a garbage bin. 
Lütfü Ö. was further accused of blackmailing the girls he raped, luring them into sex labor by saying he had videos of them and would send them to their parents or publish them online if they did not do as they were told.  
One of the victims, 16-year-old M.A., testified under supervision of a psychologist and said Lütfü Ö. raped her when she was 14 and solicited her to other men for the following two years. 
Lütfü Ö. and 33 others were detained by the police last December, the report said, on accusations of soliciting and having sex with minors.