Promises made for youth, critical actor of polls

With just a few weeks before the parliamentary and presidential elections to be held on May 14, pledges for the young population, which constitutes an important part of the country, have come to the fore.
As the youth is one of the critical elements of the May 14 elections, both the ruling and opposition sides have made important promises them. The Justice and Development Party (AKP) has promised to carry out university entrance exams several times a year and 10 GB of free internet access for young people. While if elected, the Nation Alliance plans to abolish the high school entrance exam and the Higher Education Board (YÖK).
Among the promises of the ruling AKP is that the university exam will be held several times a year instead of once.
Tax exemption will be provided to university students for the purchase of mobile phones and computers for one time.
Interest-free loans will be offered to young entrepreneurs, according to the AKP’s election pledge.
“Youth Card” application will be launched for university students, and with this card, young people will benefit from cultural and artistic activities for free or at a discount.
University students will be provided with 10 GB free internet access per month.
The AKP’s education promises also include that the global competitiveness of universities will be increased, and the number of Turkish universities entering the top 500 university lists will be increased to at least 10.
On the other hand, the opposition Nation Alliance pledged to gradually remove the high school entrance exams. It also vowed to abolish YÖK.
According to the Nation Alliance promises, the structure of compulsory education will be changed to 1+5+4+3 with one-year pre-school, five-year primary, four-year secondary and three-year high school.
Today, students receive four-year primary, secondary and high school education.
Passports will be given to young people free of charge, and they will not pay the departure fee.