Pope names 17 cardinals 13 of whom are electors

Pope names 17 cardinals 13 of whom are electors

Pope names 17 cardinals 13 of whom are electorsPope names 17 cardinals 13 of whom are electors

Pope Francis waves to faithful at the end of a jubilee mass in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. AP photo

Pope Francis has named 17 new cardinals - 13 of them under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect his successor. Three of the new cardinals are Americans, including moderate Chicago Archbishop Blaise Cupich and Indianapolis Archbishop Joseph Tobin.
As is Francis’ tradition, the new cardinals hail from some of the most far-away and peripheral corners of the globe, with Africa, Oceania, Asia and South America getting far more representation than Europe, which has long dominated the College of Cardinals.

Significantly only one Italian elector was named on yesterday: Francis’ ambassador to “the beloved and martyred Syria.”

Francis said the 17 would be elevated at a consistory on Nov. 19, on the eve of the close to his Holy Year of Mercy.