Political cartoonist Carlos Latuff’s works compiled in Turkish edition

Political cartoonist Carlos Latuff’s works compiled in Turkish edition

ISTANBUL - Doğan News Agency
The world-renowned political cartoonist Carlos Latuff’s works have been edited and published in a new volume by Turkish publisher Rodeo.

The Brazilian cartoonist - known for his interest in Turkey’s social and political issues, especially since rising to prominence during the Gezi Park demonstrations of 2013 - is thought to be one of today’s most influential political cartoonists in the international arena.

The book, titled “Latuff: The Master of Drawn Opposition,” includes hundreds of caricatures on Turkey, the Middle East and Latin America. 

Latuff has been working as a freelance caricaturist for several newspapers, magazines and websites in Turkey and elsewhere. 

The new volume also includes a comprehensive interview with Latuff conducted by editor Murat Mıhçıoğlu.

“For the first time, a huge collection of Latuff’s major work is edited and published in a notable volume. What is surprising is that this edition has been made in Turkey, where Latuff is known to sting and hurt those in power the most,” said Mıhçıoğlu.

“Despite what’s going on actually in the country, politicians still talk about having a free press and respecting free expression. Such books be published at such times are the best test for them to overcome,” he added.

The book covers a wide range of current issues, including political oppression, environmental degradation, climate change, tightening restrictions on the media, the refugee crisis, labor rights, global protests, Islamophobia, and the Charlie Hebdo attack.

In one of the book’s most striking sections, Latuff takes aim at the approach of the U.S., Europe, and Arab countries in dealing with the current refugee crisis.