Police rescue 14 Pakistani migrants detained by compatriots

Police rescue 14 Pakistani migrants detained by compatriots

THESSALONIKI – The Associated Press
Greek police say they freed 14 Pakistani migrants held captive by 5 compatriots of theirs who demanded money for their release.

The 14, all men, had crossed into Greece over its land border with Turkey on Sept 12. They had paid 1,500 euros ($1,790) each for the trip but were nonetheless taken to an isolated house outside Thessaloniki and held, with their captors demanding another 450 euros ($537) from each to release them.

One of the captives managed to escape on Sept. 15 and told police their captors threatened them, and occasionally beat them, with iron bars.

Police raided the house early on Sept. 16 and capture a 17- and a 34-year-old among the captors. The other three are still at large.