PM calls for ‘sensitivity’ in peace talks

PM calls for ‘sensitivity’ in peace talks

ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News

Lawmaker Hayati Yazıcı arrives at the AKP’s ‘Black Sea meeting.’ AA photo

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has urged lawmakers, provincial chairs and mayors of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) from the Black Sea region to reach a “common discourse” over the recent “peace process.”

“Stay away from statements that could sabotage the process. We’ve always emphasized that our Kurdish citizens’ problems and [the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party] PKK problem is different. We are progressing on our way toward a resolution. The opposition is attempting to sabotage this process with lies. I expect you to inform people about this process properly,” he was quoted as saying on Feb. 7 at a closed-door meeting at party headquarters with AKP lawmakers, as well as AKP provincial chairs and mayors from the Black Sea region.