PKK fire kills Turkish soldier in Iraq terror op zone

PKK fire kills Turkish soldier in Iraq terror op zone


A Turkish soldier was killed by shots fired from the PKK terrorist organization in an operation area in northern Iraq, the Defense Ministry has announced.

“During a search and sweep activity conducted on Aug. 7 in the Operation Claw-Lock area, terrorists opened harassing fire on Turkish soldiers. As a result of the attack, Infantry Sergeant Habip Murat Alp was martyred,” the ministry said in a written statement.

Minister Yaşar Güler, along with the Interior Ministry and many politicians, issued condolence messages for the fallen soldier.

The ministry announced a day earlier that eight PKK terrorists identified in the Hakurk and Gara regions of northern Iraq were “neutralized.”

"Our resolute operations will continue until the last terrorist is neutralized,” the ministry expressed.

A substantial cache of explosives and ammunition belonging to PKK terrorists was discovered in six identified caves and tunnels within the operational area.

The Claw-Lock operations initiated in April 2022 are a series of Turkish counterterrorism efforts aimed at eliminating PKK hideouts in Iraq's northern regions near the border.

The PKK is designated as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the United States and the European Union.