PKK attacks district governor’s vehicle in Turkey’s Siirt, no casualties reported

PKK attacks district governor’s vehicle in Turkey’s Siirt, no casualties reported

SİİRT –Doğan News Agency
Outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants detonated an explosive during the passage of a district governor’s vehicle in the southeastern province of Siirt early on July 7.

Siirt’s Baykan district’s governor, Mehmet Kocabey, who is also an acting mayor, departed to visit a gendarmerie post in the Yarımca district when a hand-made explosive was detonated by PKK militants.

There were no casualties and injuries reported. 

Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu released a statement over the incident, confirming there were no casualties or injuries.

“We express our wishes for him to feel better soon. We spoke with him and his physical condition is good,” he said.

Soylu also said an operation had been launched to apprehend PKK militants in the area. 

“They [PKK] are trying to halt our determination in the struggle against the terrorist organization and trying to test the limits of our patience as we fight against them. We are a great and strong country. Necessary searches are ongoing for the suspects involved in this incident,” he added.