Photography artists to be honored

Photography artists to be honored

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Ara Güler. Hürriyet photo

The annual Culture and Arts Grand Awards, presented by the Culture and Tourism Ministry, will this year be presented to four photographers, the ministry said in a statement.

The award committee had decided to honor the four artists Ara Güler, Sıtkı Fırat, Sabit Kalfagil and İzzet Keribar for “representing the art of photography in the national and international area and for their unique works and great contribution to the art,” the statement said.

The awards will be presented to the artists next month at a ceremony in Istanbul in collaboration with Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay.

Last year the art awards were granted to Professor Nimet Özgüç and Professor Halet Çambel for their work in the field of archaeology.