Pharmacies, ministry reach deal on pricing

Pharmacies, ministry reach deal on pricing

ISTANBUL - Hurriyet Daily News

Turkish pharmacies say they are badly hurt by November’s mandatory discount in prices. The social security institution and pharmacies have finally shaken hands.

Labor and Social Security Minister Faruk Çelik announced yesterday that an agreement had finally been reached between the Social Security Institution (SGK) and the Turkish Pharmacies Union (TEB) over drug discount rates.

Çelik said there would be a reduction in the discount rate for certain drugs – a concession the pharmacies had been pushing for – and added that the protocol would be in effect until July 1, 2015. On Dec. 14 Çelik said the value added tax on the drug industry would be cut to 8 percent from the current 18 percent as many companies had started stockpiling hundreds of types of drugs in a bid to defend themselves financially.

In return for lowering the discount rate, pharmacies have agreed to continue taking medical examination fees from social security institution medical facilities. Furthermore, pharmacies will receive a 25 Turkish Kurus

-payment per prescription.