Pera Film presents World AIDS Day program

Pera Film presents World AIDS Day program


Pera Film, like every year to raise awareness on World AIDS Day, this year is presenting “I’m Here!” which is a special program that will launch in collaboration with Visual AIDS, a contemporary arts organization committed to raising AIDS awareness.

The program will feature with Visual AIDS’s “Transmissions” selection that will stream online between Dec. 1 and 22 on the Pera Museum’s website.

For Day With(out) Art 2020, Visual AIDS presents “Transmissions,” which is a video program that brings together artists working across the world, including Jorge Bordello (Mexico), Gevi Dimitrakopoulou (Greece), Las Indetectables (Chile), Lucía Egaña Rojas (Chile/Spain), Charan Singh (India/UK), and George Stanley Nsamba (Uganda).

The program does not intend to give a comprehensive account of the global AIDS epidemic, but to provide a platform for a diversity of voices from beyond the United States, offering insight into the divergent and overlapping experiences of people living with HIV around the world today.

The six commissioned videos cover a broad range of subjects, such as the erasure of women living with HIV in South America, ineffective Western public health campaigns in India, and the realities of stigma and disclosure for young people in Uganda.

As the world continues to adapt to living with a new virus, COVID-19, these videos offer an opportunity to reflect on the resonances and differences between the two epidemics and their uneven distribution across geography, race and gender.