Pelican released into lake

Pelican released into lake

ŞANLIURFA – Anadolu Agency
Pelican released into lakePelican released into lake A pelican whose treatment was recently finished at a rehabilitation center in the southeastern province of Şanlıurfa has been taken to a lake 500 kilometers away and released to its habitat. 

The Gölpınar Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, which opened five years ago and carries out scientific works, is taking care of many wild animals including eagles, hawks, martens, foxes, weasels as well as owls, storks, cranes, pelicans and gazelles. 

After receiving treatment and undergoing rehabilitation process, animals are then released into secure areas. 

The wounded pelican, which was found a month ago in the southeastern province of Şırnak’s Uludere district, was brought to the center. After its treatment, the pelican was ready to fly again. Officials released it to the nature in the southern province of Adana’s Akyatan Lake. 

Veterinary doctor Reşat Ektiren said the pelican had injuries caused by a hit. “This is why it could not fly. We have done its treatment and rehabilitation. We also made it exercise in flight cages. It is pretty healthy so we decided to release it. Pelicans generally live in river deltas, marshes and lakes. This is why we released it into the lake located 500 kilometers away from the center. It will be safe there like the other animals. We have many other animals in the center like this one. We release them to nature after their treatments are finished,” he added.