Painting displayed at Temple of Augustus

The “Ankara Landscape,” the oldest known painting of the Turkish capital Ankara, has been projected onto the walls of the Temple of Augustus in the Altındağ district.
The painting is believed to have been created by an unknown Dutch artist in the 18th century and belongs to a museum in the Netherlands.
As part of the Ankara Cultural Road Festival and in honor of the 100th anniversary of the friendship treaty between Türkiye and the Netherlands, the “Ankara Landscape” was brought from the Netherlands and projected onto the wall of the Temple of Augustus.
Culture and Tourism Deputy Minister Serdar Çam, Dutch Ambassador Joep Wijnands and other guests attended the event held on Sept. 23.
While speaking at the event, Çam said, "Ankara is an important trade center. It was significant during the Byzantine, Roman and Seljuk periods. This painting is not merely a cultural event; it holds significance for us to reflect on our past, history and generations. It tells us that the commercial history between the two friendly countries is deep, dating back to earlier periods. Ankara has been a trade center, located on the Silk Road, and the painting conveys a message about the continuity of its economic activities today and the potential for further cooperation in the future."
Wijnands mentioned that they were unaware for a long time that the painting depicted Ankara, saying, “Until 1970, it was believed that the city in the painting was Aleppo in Syria. Thanks to the work of Professor Semavi Eyice, we discovered that the painting actually depicts the beautiful city of Ankara. One of the clear indicators that the painting shows Ankara is the beautiful, silver-colored Angora goats seen at the bottom of the painting."
"Additionally, the lower half of the painting shows a scene with people involved in Angora goat breeding and the mohair industry. Interestingly, nearly half of the people depicted in the painting are women, highlighting their significant role in the city's economic life,” he added.