ÖSYM announces leak in public personnel exam

ÖSYM announces leak in public personnel exam

ANKARA - Anatolia News Agency

Students closely searched before the exam yesterday on the last day of KPSS. DHA photo

Turkey’s Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) acknowledged in a written statement a leak during the Public Personnel Selection Examination (KPSS) on Sept. 22.

The written statement said some students were seen to have published the exam questions on the Internet after leaving the exam hall. The written statement read, “We have identified the exam participants who revealed the exam questions after they finished the exam. We will cancel these participants’ exam papers and will press charges against them within the scope of Law no. 6114.” The ÖSYM previously declared that it had increased security measures in KPSS examinations after the questions of the July exams were revealed to have been leaked in similar ways. Following claims that applicants had cheated on the public personnel exam, 34 people were sent to court in July.