Osman Hamdi, Van Gogh, Göbeklitepe in same exhibition

Osman Hamdi, Van Gogh, Göbeklitepe in same exhibition

Osman Hamdi, Van Gogh, Göbeklitepe in same exhibitionOsman Hamdi, Van Gogh, Göbeklitepe in same exhibition

The Parallel Universe Exhibition, organized by Ouchhh and which combines artificial intelligence and art, is opening to art lovers in Istanbul.

In the exhibition opened at DasDas Sahne at Ataşehir Metropol Istanbul, four different works, consisting of “Artificial Intelligence Van Gogh Data Painting Experience,” “Poetic Artificial Intelligence,” “Göbeklitepe Architectural Data” and “Osman Hamdi Bey Works,” are being presented to art lovers.

Speaking at the opening of the exhibition, actor Mert Fırat, one of the founders of DasDas Sahne, said that they set out with Ferdi Alıcı to realize this dream four years ago.

“It is very important for us to turn DasDas into such a digital exhibition space. Just when we were so disconnected from art due to the pandemic, when people were so far away from each other, we found a common ground where many different disciplines can be presented with the power of artificial intelligence and art. This interdisciplinary journey has already inspired many people and I hope it will continue to do so.”

The director of the exhibition, new media artist Alıcı said, “The works here are actually a selection from the retrospective works we have done over the last 10 years. When you first enter the exhibition, you see the work of ‘Poetic Artificial Intelligence’ that we realized in Paris in 2018. Nearly 1 million people saw this exhibition in Paris, the center of traditional art, for nine months.”

Speaking about the works in the exhibition, Alıcı said, “You will experience Van Gogh’s 12 billion brushstrokes created by artificial intelligence. The Göbeklitepe work is an artificial intelligence work exhibited at New York Times Square, Barcelona, London and Dubai. What would happen if artificial intelligence came together with the oldest consciousness in the world? You will see this. And finally, Osman Hamdi. In fact, traditional art is our biggest source of inspiration. Osman Hamdi is one of the greatest artists in our own lands. You will have an experience where the limits of the digital world and technology are pushed and the latest algorithms are used. You will see both local and global works of art; the past and future of art on the same canvas.”