One of every three TPAO wells fruitful

One of every three TPAO wells fruitful

ANKARA - Anatolia News Agency

The Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) drilled 57 wells, 11 of which had oil and six with gas, according to data obtained from the ministry.

The Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) has successfully found oil or gas in one of every three wells it drilled in 2012, figures have revealed.

The company drilled 57 wells, 11 of which had oil and six with gas. TPAO had planned to drill 54 on-shore wells and two offshore wells in 2012, according to data obtained from the Energy Ministry. It finalized the drilling of 57 wells while seven of them are still in the drilling process.

Officials will continue work to find hydrocarbon in nine wells. The company conducted eight oil inspections in Southeastern Anatolia and three gas inspections in Thrace.

Drilling in Turkish Cyprus completed

The drilling of the Türkyurdu-1 well in Turkish Cyprus that began on April 26 has also been completed. The geological information acquired from this survey is expected to enlighten other on-shore and offshore drilling.

Greek Cyprus started exploring for gas in the Mediterranean Sea south of the island in Sept. 2011, a move to which Turkey reacted harshly. Turkey and Turkish Cyprus then signed a deal paving the way for oil and gas exploration in the region.